What we do
Tiles landscape pattern


People are complex. So are communities, subcultures, and ecosystems. There's no one right way to understand them, but we can tell you one thing: focus groups aren't it.

We use a mix of qualitative and quantitative research methods to uncover both entrenched and emerging behaviours. We'll help you understand people's motivations and identify a clear path forward.

Toolbox: Exploratory interviews, observation, usability testing, heuristic assessments and analytics.
Metal grate pattern


We use participatory design methods, working hand-in-hand with the people we design for. We take cues from them and pair those insights with industry best practices. This allows us to avoid bias and produce high quality products.

Toolbox: Figma prototypes, component libraries, style guides, ideation workshops

Wood pattern


We are builders at heart. Much of our work shows up on screens, but we're just as comfortable in the field as we are in the office. Shoot, we'll build you a house if you want.

Toolbox: Rails, Node, React


Bedrock Ocean Exploration / Product Institute / Integral.io / Sheertex / California Department of Transportation / Sanctuary Computer / Los Angeles Department of Health Services

For case studies, please email hi@kindhuman.studio
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